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AMU Lecture Series in History (Studies of Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet Area): History of Violence

You are kindly invited to the next AMU online Lecture Series in History (Studies of Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet Area): History of Violence.

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The EDUFI Fellowship for doctoral students from Ukraine

Are you looking for a fellowship grant to help you recruit a foreign student to do doctoral research? The EDUFI Fellowship is intended particularly for starting work on a doctoral research project in Finland.

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The Lane Kirkland Scholarships Program 2025-2026

With pleasure, we would like to inform you that the recruitment for the Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program is underway.

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UNITA BIP "Relax to Wellness"

The Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) "Relax to Wellness" hosted by the Instituto Politécnico da Guarda (IPG), Portugal.

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Virtual Internships Announcement 2025

Нагадуємо, що розпочався процес прийняття заявок на безкоштовні онлайн-стажування у Virtual Internships.

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4EU+ 1CORE Workshop for Alliances: Sharing Best Practices to Enhance Governance Models

A workshop dedicated to advancing governance processes within European University alliances. The event will showcase the results of a governance review conducted by 4EU+ and benchmarked against other alliances.

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UNIC Workshop on Implementing Joint and Double Degrees

The upcoming (10th March 2025) workshop by UNIC Alliance Implementing Double and Joint Degrees, is open for UNIC members and members of other alliances.

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